Featured App

frootrees is the featured app for this Week!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Frootrees is a fun game that is for all fans of froot!

In this game you must pick fruit and land it on the correct color on the ground. That may seem easy but as the tree grows more fruit faster it gets harder and more fun.

The fruit in frootrees is a Apple, Plum, Pear, and Orange. To play fruit trees you wait until the fruit is grown and then wait a little longer for the full grown fruit worth twice as much. You get 1 point for a normal grown fruit 2 points for extra grow and 1 for dead. But be careful wait too long and the dead fruit falls off. 3 dead fruit falls off and its game over.

When you start the game you only start with the apple and the plum. Get the apple to the red line on the bottom and the plum to the purple. As you go on you get the pear and the orange. Throw a fruit in the right area gain points, Miss and get it in the wrong spot then you lose points. Land them in the right area enough times and and you get 2x then 3x then 4x ect. Miss and its restarts the count.

Hit the home button during a game and it auto pauses. Want to pause during the game? Well hit the paw! When you pause there is no restart so to restart you must lose.

Think you have a high score? Post it to the online leader boards only takes seconds to create and instantly uploads the score.

Overall i give this app 4.5 out of 5 because its very well written but still could use a few more features and a restart or go to menu button. But it's a great game that i would recommend to anyone!

Name: frootrees
price: 0.99c
download here

Hint throw the froot up instead of right into the ground for extra points!

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